You know at first, I was a little bummed about this picture...I'm still getting used to my camera, and getting the shots clear, but the more I looked at this, I found a sort of beauty to it. Maybe a lot of the photography we see is too clear, too cookie cutter, maybe the world is seen too clear, maybe I'm trying to justify my suckiness, but there's something I really like about the vagueness in this picture, and I'm glad it didn't turn out great.
This was my nephew's idea. A double exposure of a dead end sign in a graveyard. I thought it was pretty creative for a 12 year old...that or sick.
It hard to see whats going on here, but this also a double exposure of an angel in an outhouse, Also my nephews idea. Having kids is awful. Hanging around kids can be fantastic.
I love this building, I am always taking pictures of it. Burnt down several years ago with just a bit of it remaining makes for a splendid picture. This was in color, and I did photo shop it to black and white. Someday I hope to do a whole show of nostalgic architecture.
The next shots are red scale. I can't tell you how much I love red scale. Its really hard to mess up, and it seems to always turn an ordinary picture into something beautiful.
