We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.

Friday, January 7, 2011


I love lookbook!...It combines three of my favorite things fashion, photography, and creativity.If you don't know what it is...

it is a fashion, youth culture, and community website created by Yuri Lee in San Fransisco (thank-you yuri) It was inspired by street fashions websites and blogs such as the Sartorialist and The Cobrasnake and designed for users to post their own street- fashion photography, featuring themselves and their outfits. You can search pretty much any brand, any item, any country..men or womens to find inspiration for a new outift, or ideas to piece things together that you already own. Alot of it includes unique thrift store finds...(the best) Here a few of my favorite people...






Alot of the portraits are beautiful and inspiring photography as well...

Lookbook used to be by invitation only-(lame) but recently opened it up to the public. I even made one! http://lookbook.nu/shannoneads

I only have two looks right now but hope to add more. I thought it would help motivate my photography, and to think outside of the box when it comes to my fashion sense. Although I think my whole life its been outside of the box ;)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A beauty magazine that 's cool enough to be seen reading it




Sunday, May 30, 2010

Recent Analog Photograhy

You know at first, I was a little bummed about this picture...I'm still getting used to my camera, and getting the shots clear, but the more I looked at this, I found a sort of beauty to it. Maybe a lot of the photography we see is too clear, too cookie cutter, maybe the world is seen too clear, maybe I'm trying to justify my suckiness, but there's something I really like about the vagueness in this picture, and I'm glad it didn't turn out great. This was my nephew's idea. A double exposure of a dead end sign in a graveyard. I thought it was pretty creative for a 12 year old...that or sick. It hard to see whats going on here, but this also a double exposure of an angel in an outhouse, Also my nephews idea. Having kids is awful. Hanging around kids can be fantastic. I love this building, I am always taking pictures of it. Burnt down several years ago with just a bit of it remaining makes for a splendid picture. This was in color, and I did photo shop it to black and white. Someday I hope to do a whole show of nostalgic architecture.The next shots are red scale. I can't tell you how much I love red scale. Its really hard to mess up, and it seems to always turn an ordinary picture into something beautiful.

Monday, May 10, 2010

An Octolier?

As you may know...I love ants, octopus, owls, and jellyfish. All which I think are fascinating creatures, but I especially love octopus. This guy makes octopus chandeliers !! They are gorgeous, and I want one !!

Browse all all his chandeliers along with his photography here ...http://www.adamwallacavage.com/octo/index.html

San Fransisco Artist

Lawrence Yang wrestles with informational abstractions by day and paints by night. Influenced by graffiti art and traditional chinese painting, he employs ink, marker, and watercolor, as the permanence of this media adds a sense of immediacy to his work. Lawrence's paintings make use of color to communicate atmosphere and emotion, and they are concerened primarily with creating order out of chaos (and vice versa).

CHECK OUT HIS SITE http://suckatlife.com/

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wired up

So I've been making rings non-stop lately, out of random buttons and wire. Makes me wonder what else I can do with wire. Wire is fun stuff. I can't take all the credit for it...I actually got the idea from a woman in Portland, who made them in her boutique...this is the one i bought from her...I wanted to try to make them myself, so i did, and their actually pretty easy. You only need a few simple tools...some beading wire ( i like to use 24 gage) some needle nose pliers, and of course some buttons, or beads whatever you prefer. One thing I do need though, is a mandrel, which I just recently discoverd. It allows you to wrap the wire around it to create a specific ring size....Here are some I have made so far.....
Yesterday I went to the antique store....( I just realized I must sound like martha stewart) I found these antique buttons from the late 1800's..so now i plan on making some vintage rings...aren't these beautiful? Oh, if a button could speak.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

i heart jellyfish

Artist: Jason Boblitt